June was a crowded crossing—think Shibuya or NY Times Square—where I found myself having to pause in the middle of, when my legs could no longer carry me forward. But there was no collision from the people rushing in all directions, as one would expect. I didn’t get knocked over. I didn’t suffocate. Because people,… Continue reading 2016: June
2016: April
The other side of waiting. All that … longing (years! months! days!) for a thing that’s over in a few hours, if even that. I’d like to say that it’s usually worth it. But it rarely ever is. Still, no matter the results, I’m glad I’m here at the other side. In fact, I kind… Continue reading 2016: April
Glasses Slippage is A Thing (No More)
Guys! Allow me to give you a heads-up on a totally life-changing discovery I stumbled upon recently. But first, a little backstory: I’ve been wearing prescription eyeglasses since 2009. Supposedly I only had to wear them to be corrective, but they ended up making my eyesight worse in the sense that I’ve become too dependent… Continue reading Glasses Slippage is A Thing (No More)
2016: February
Funnily enough, when this month started, I was fully prepared to talk about love for this post. February being the “love month” and all that. (It really wasn’t.) I do go on a bit about love by the end of this essay, but as it turns out, here’s what I’ll really remember about this past… Continue reading 2016: February
Letters To You, #4
Going to cheat a little bit—this isn’t a letter I wrote, but a letter I like to imagine was written for me. It’s something I keep going back to. Last year. This year. Probably forever. … Here, where I am surrounded by an enormous landscape, which the winds move across as they come from the… Continue reading Letters To You, #4
2016: January
When I started the daily journal thing back in 2011, I used the classic Moleskine—hardcover, ruled, black. I kept changing it each year—soft covers, cahiers, plain and dotted pages—but five years later I’ve reverted back to that original notebook style. Because I want to just write, again, simply, and there’s nothing like gorgeous ruled pages… Continue reading 2016: January
Hello, world! I’m alive and well. In case you were wondering. I haven’t felt like blogging much (obviously), for a number of reasons that will hopefully be clear by the end of this post. But I thought I’d try and come up with a year-ender post of some sort. So here we are. You know,… Continue reading #YesToMyself2015
Ides. A list.
This is gonna be short, because my writing juices are a figment of the imagination at the moment. I think the stifling heat of each passing afternoon has evaporated whatever’s there. Send help. The semester has ended. It’s been pretty chill. Life’s been pretty chill. Not easy, mind you—just less intense. More breathing space. Less… Continue reading Ides. A list.
Because it’s September.
Tonight marks two years since the night I learned I passed my licensure exams. I’ll always feel good about myself on this date. It’s the reason I’ve begun to think of early September as a time of fresh starts—and because last year, it was also in early September that I started working. But to be… Continue reading Because it’s September.
Never Forget the Essence of Your Spark
So, um, as per a request of someone on my ask.fm, I’ll be doing a series of ‘reviews’ of Taylor Swift’s albums. (‘Review’ being a loose term for a bunch of thoughts and feelings about each album, totally biased because duh I’m an unabashed fan, and written way too late to be relevant. But yeah.)… Continue reading Never Forget the Essence of Your Spark